Tractor Progression (1993)
MT 845 & Spring work 2003
MT 845 working summer-fallow
MT 845 working summer-fallow
Summer-fallow with the MT-845
Summer-fallow with MT-845
Right side service access
Dad's first diesel tractor: 1941 McCormick Deering WD9
1966 Allis Chalmers D21
1976 Case 2670
1993 Cat Challenger 75
This picture was taken in the spring of 1993. I no longer have the 2670 as it was traded on the Cat. The rest of the tractors are still on the farm.
Dad's first diesel tractor: 1941 McCormick Deering WD9
1966 Allis Chalmers D21
1976 Case 2670
1993 Cat Challenger 75
This picture was taken in the spring of 1993. I no longer have the 2670 as it was traded on the Cat. The rest of the tractors are still on the farm.
Dad's first diesel tractor: 1941 McCormick Deering WD9
1966 Allis Chalmers D21
1976 Case 2670
1993 Cat Challenger 75
This picture was taken in the spring of 1993. I no longer have the 2670 as it was traded on the Cat. The rest of the tractors are still on the farm.
The new Challenger alongside the Case 2670, Allis D21, and WD9 in the spring of 1993.
The Case 2670 with it's replacement; Challenger 75
The Challenger 75 in the spring of '03
The Challenger 75 with it's new stable-mate; an MT-845.
Spring of 2003
The new Challenger MT-845.
Spring 2003
MT 845 and FlexiCoil 845 doing seed-bed preperation.
April 2003
MT 845 and FlexiCoil 845 doing seed-bed preperation.
April 2003
MT 845 and FlexiCoil 845 doing seed-bed preperation.
April 2003
MT 845 and FlexiCoil 845 doing seed-bed preperation.
April 2003
MT 845 and Flexicoil 820 working summer-fallow in 2003.
MT 845 and Flexicoil 820 working summer-fallow in 2003.
MT 845 and Flexicoil 820 working summer-fallow in 2003.
MT 845 and Flexicoil 820 working summer-fallow in 2003.
MT 845 and Flexicoil 820 working summer-fallow in 2003.
The Tractor Control Console on the MT 845. It is set to display fuel usage statistics when the picture was taken.
A side view of the radiator stack on the MT-845. The air gun hanging on the radiator is used to blow the radiators clean.
Service access on the MT-845
Emptying the wheat from a granary.
Wane and his wife; Kit
The 75 and grain trailer on the way to market.
Another view of 1100 bushels of Spring Wheat heading to market.
A load of Spring Wheat as it nears the Cenex Harvest States Unit Train terminal at Macon, Montana.